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Social Media Optimization

Social goals and challenges achievement, with advanced technology and real results.
Social Media Optimization

What is Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization is a service that using social media as a catalyst to grow your company’s online presence with multiple techniques. Where some companies tend to just set up a profile on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram, in order to be where their customers are, SMO is about strategically creating, building and maximizing your social media plan and targets to connect with your real audience. SMO allows you to:
  • Generate leads from different channels
  • Strengthen your brand awareness
  • Get more traffic to your website or app
  • Connect directly with your audience
social media optimization

Why SMO Is Important

Social media marketing and search engine marketing are becoming increasingly blurred and most of the times confusing. Until few years ago these two were looked at as separate and distinct aspects of marketing. But the reality is that they’re more intertwined today than you might think. A nice example is a post on Instagram or twitter. You may get 1,000 retweets or 1,000 likes but this won't increase your actual business website performance if it's not correctly coordinated with the SEO. A recent article from verifies that more than 50% of the companies that are having issues with SEO don't integrate the correct social media strategy.

The Florida Web can offer a series of social media optimization services:

Strategy Optimization

Focus on growing your social media presence and achieve mesurable results. We create a 7 steps strategy that will:
  • Ensure your Social Goals challenges
  • Extend efforts throughout your organization's team
  • Focus on networks that add value to your presence
  • Create engaging and unique content
  • Identify your business opportunities through Social Media
  • Engage deeper instead of ignore
  • Track, improve and market your efforts
Strategy Optimization
Keyword Targeted Optimization

Keyword Targeted Optimization

Keyword research requires a large amount of time, experience and unfortunately very expensive software in order to run the algorithms that are required. Our company has invested hundreds of thousands on these requirements and we are more than able to identify higher volume keywords with the lowest cost per click. The topic, hashtags, keywords that your audience wants to see are all out there, waiting for you to do the right engagement. There are hundreds of examples we can bring to you with the wrong type of engagement, difficult audience sectors or keywords that will bring you unqualified traffic.

With the correct variety of keyword optimizations, your branded keywords and hashtags will reach your targeted audience quickly and accurately:

  • Create brand awareness
  • Build/Strengthen online presence
  • Better online visibility
  • Develop brand value on popular platforms
  • Improve search rankings
  • Derive more traffic
  • Better ROI
  • Create more fans, followers and customers
  • Improved sales conversions
  • Harness the power of social media platforms for your business

Profile Optimization

If you ask any of our clients how they felt when we changed their social media profile, you'll understand exactly what we mean. While it seems very easy for someone to have the right profile on any social media account, more than 98% of the businesses have faulty profiles and information, giving a really bad impression for the business overall. Think of your company’s profile page as an actual foundation for your business. If it’s weak, it’s hard to build anything on top of it and even harder to expand it. There is a specific way to build a strong foundation for now and for the future and we can definitely help you:
  • Create the correct profile photo
  • Create the correct background image
  • Pick the right username
  • Add all business information that is required for customers to find you
  • Get the attention that you deserve
Profile Optimization
Content Optimization

Content Optimization

Last but not least is the content that you post to your social media accounts. The world's most legendary marketers swear as to how important the content itself is. If you don't know how to write, then just hire someone to do it for you! Let our team at The Florida Web help you with content creation through our copywriting services. There are so many brands that have been completely destroyed from a single wrong tweet or Facebook post. People are reading out there, be aware! Content optimization requires 2 type of content, original and curated.

Original content is content that’s specifically created, written or made for social media and is usually part of one or more campaigns. For instance, when Netflix launched its #NetflixCheating campaign, they created original graphics to share on Twitter.

Curated content is content that’s shared from 3rd party sources around the web and is way more than just tweeting out links. In order to optimize it for the best results, you should only share content that’s valuable and relevant to your audience based on the initial strategy. Quality always beats out quantity. We are always able to determine what content your audience finds the most relevant by measuring the engagement for each post, experiment and make each post better than the one before.